Design a soul-synced, sold-out offer that creates mega-stardom in your niche.

Virtual 3-Day Live Event
May 5–7, 2023

Get Your 50% OFF ticket

Reaching and serving more ideal clients shouldn’t be a struggle.

Have you ever wanted to create a product, program, or service package that makes a positive difference for lots of people, but…

  • You can’t decide what to include to make it super attractive to your ideal clients.
  • You try to sell it but potential clients keep saying, “I can’t afford it.”
  • Successful people in your niche offer something similar and you wonder if yours will do half as well.
  • You shared it with the world and disappointingly sold less than you’d hoped.
  • You’re starting to second-guess if you’ll ever have a super-hot offer that helps you make your mark in the world.

I’ve experienced all of these thoughts and situations over the years and it kept me from serving the clients who needed me most. It stole my thunder and the millions in income I could’ve made if I’d have created an attractive offer that lit up my soul!

I finally learned the nuances of a hot offer and how to have a “sold-out” mindset so that it magnetized my 5-Star Clients… at any price point.


Creating an offer that quickly sells out to your most eager, committed, and loyal clients

Pouring your inspiration and energy into delivering an offer that lights you up from head to toe

Blowing your own mind with abundant income pouring into your life every single month

Designing an “instant yes” offer that appeals to the maximum number of ideal clients

Marketing less while creating a loyal following… your way

This doesn’t have to be a fantasy when you follow your heart, give yourself permission to receive, learn the ins and outs of hot offers… and take soul-synced action.

Full-to-the brim signature offers aren’t just for the big dogs in your niche or for experts with a big following… 

… they’re for those who choose to live their soul-inspired destiny. (Even if it seems like a stretch in this moment.)

Turn your low or ultra-high-end idea into an exciting reality in 2023 during...


A 3-Day Virtual Event
May 5–7, 2023


Design a soul-synced, sold-out offer that creates megastardom in your niche…

… and upgrades the caliber of clients you attract, your income, and your quality of life!

This inspiring get ’er done experience will walk you step-by step through a simple and clear formula to…

  • Sync your mindset with a 100k+-a-year offer
  • Select the perfect signature offer for your business model... and lifestyle
  • Design the offer to attract your most perfect clients
  • Discover your on-point messaging that creates automatic buyers
  • Price the offer to match the value inside
  • Bypass bogus blocks that keep you from attracting loads of 5-Star Clients
  • Let go of overgiving, underpricing, and underselling habits
  • Deliver offers that make a huge difference for your clients while creating more time and financial abundance for you

This event is designed to align your intuition and superpowers with your client’s needs so you take inspired action to design an easy-to-fill legendary offer... right here and now.

If you have doubts because you’ve never created a sold-out product, program, or service package…

… or you’ve tried them before and didn’t have great results, it’s only because you didn’t know how to pull it all together in a way that felt true to your heart and had all the ingredients that made it super sought after.

In this make-it-happen 3-day event, you’ll be in a container that delivers the mindset, inspiration, and steps to create an offer you’ll become well-known for… and delivers clients you love!

The Nuts 'N Bolts of How This Intensive Works...

  • Brainstorm, create, and implement in real time
  • In-depth mentoring before and throughout the event
  • Access Legendary Offer design templates and worksheets
  • A vortex of intimacy, fun, and expansion of an in-person workshop but held on Zoom
  • Never boring because you’ll dance, stretch, and have lunch breaks so you can be fully present... and energized
  • Private forum for networking, show ’n tell, and check-in throughout the event.
Get Your 80% OFF ticket

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Thank the LORD for Jeanna Gabellini. I can’t imagine where I’d be if I’d chosen any other coach to mentor me through the process of building my business. Jeanna, thank you for not coaching me to be realistic!


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Just did my end-of-June numbers and I have smashed my money goal!! Attracted 6 new clients,
 Sold 12 spots in my course, 
Created my first digital product
and already sold it! This has been


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

This event was essential and transformational to uplevel my business and life. The content, support, and ideas were absolutely amazing! Thank you for your generosity, Jeanna, and for what was one of the best experiences of my life!


DAY 1:

Friday, May 5
from 9am – 3:30pm Pacific

The Offer That Magnetizes Clients

Discover how to...

  • Tune in to your legendary vision & mission
  • Curate your supergenius so your offer stands out
  • Get up into the head ’n heart of your 5-Star Client
  • Craft your compelling “Call ’Em In” promise

DAY 2:

Saturday, May 6
from 9am – 3:30pm Pacific

Legendary Offer Foundation


  • The BIG benefits that turn your legendary offer into a best seller
  • Name & messaging hacks that make clients excitedly say, “I gotta have it!”
  • The optimal offer structure for your business model & lifestyle

DAY 3:

Sunday, May 7
from 9am – 3:30pm Pacific

Soul-Synced, Seal-the-Deal Strategies


  • Mindset secrets that manifest sales before you even market
  • The perfect pricing that guarantees big buckaroos
  • A soul-synced plan to bring it to the world

Take your high-impact offer from an
idea and desire to DONE!

Don’t miss out on all the ideal clients who’re searching for a solution or an experience that you can easily provide.

If I were to deliver this content via a program, the investment would be $1,000+ and would require you to spend 6–8 weeks to move through the creation process.

But we’ve designed this 3-day intensive for you to sync up with your genius and potential...

bypassing the part of your brain that wants to stall, make it complicated, and save your idea for some other day.

In less than a week you’ll create your high-demand, highly thrilling, hot offer.

But this is about more than creating a mega moola-making offer...

... it’s about living into your highest purpose.

You get to make a big difference, in less time and with less work.

Make it happen in the Legendary Offer
3-Day Virtual Event...

For $1,000 RIGHT NOW JUST $497!

(Holy hot-offer, Batman! That’s an insane deal!)


Event FAQs

Q. My business is new and I don’t have a following. Will this still work for me?
A. That’s a big benefit of a legendary offer… it gets you known. A high-quality offer with a highly sought-after promise can fill quite quickly with a simple plan of action.

This event will show you how to create an irresistible offer that oozes credibility and creates trust. This could even be the ONLY thing you offer.

Q. I already have an offer I know clients would love, but it’s not attracting enough clients. Will this event help?
A. Yessss. Often the issue is beyond just one part of the offer… but that several parts are not attracting clients. You’ll be able to pinpoint what to change and what to keep about your current offer so that it’s an instant “yes” for your ideal clients!

Q. The dates don’t work for me to be at the live event. Will there be replays?
A. Ideally, you'd attend all 3 days of the event to receive the best results… but you must upgrade to the VIP option once you buy your event ticket to receive replays of the entire event.

Still don’t know if this is for you. Email Jeanna here.

I want to create a best-selling offer!

Meet Your Mentor

Jeanna Gabellini is a Master Business Coach. For over twenty-five years she’s helped entrepreneurs make more money and attract their very best clients with stress-free strategies.

Jeanna’s genius zone is liberating business owners from the curse of “not enough” and the myth of “hard work pays off.”

She is the co-author of Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction, along with Eva Gregory, Mark Victor Hansen, & Jack Canfield. Her newest books are 10 Minute Money Makers and Rock Your Profits.