Turn your manifesting switch to full power, create best-case scenarios, and never compromise what you want again!

Yes! I want to be a conjuror!

Have you had it up to here with...

  • Wanting to upgrade your circumstances but seeing little change?
  • Always having “just enough” money instead of receiving constant excess?
  • Not knowing what thoughts and actions will move the needle on your most important goals?

I know how crappy it feels to want something for years, knowing it’s possible, but not being able to experience it. I struggled to have a great relationship, a 6-figure business, and to lose weight after my second baby.

It infuriated me to want something so badly and not have anything to show for it except disappointment. I started to think I’d never have the epic life I envisioned.

But after years of struggle... I found my inner conjuror. And it all came together quickly. I literally got my bucket life list.

The better it got, the better it got.

Here’s what happens when you step into and stay in magic-making mode...

  • Life serves you up outcomes so good they make your jaw drop in awe.
  • You have so much money flowing in every day that you no longer make life choices based on cost... you choose whatever you want because you can afford it.
  • Everyday miracles are normalized because you expect them.
  • You don’t have to work hard on manifesting... you just do it.
  • You lose weight, have more energy, and chronic pain and health conditions disappear.

Here’s what happens when you step into and stay in magic-making mode...

  • Life serves you up outcomes so good they make your jaw drop in awe.
  • You have so much money flowing in every day that you no longer make life choices based on cost... you choose whatever you want because you can afford it.
  • Everyday miracles are normalized because you expect them.
  • You don’t have to work hard on manifesting... you just do it.
  • You lose weight, have more energy, and chronic pain and health conditions disappear.

Bottom line: Every part of your life works on Mach speed. You decide you want something, and within days (often within hours), it’s delivered with a bow on top.

This 7-week program will rewire your circuitry so that calling in prosperity, clients, homes, vacations, relationships, and insanely incredible experiences is a done deal.

And you don’t have to wait to have them in the future... I’m talking right now.

This is not your run-of-the-mill, say affirmations, and plead-with the-Universe-to-bring-your-stuff kind of experience.

It’s a road map to skip over prepping, whining, and trying so you can make a direct connection with your Inner Magic Maker and get the job done… immediately.

Here’s what you get to experience in your newly created upleveled life...

  • Decide how much money you want, and see instant evidence that your conjuring is working... then watch it consistently pour in through multiple streams.
  • Laugh in the face of reality checks and challenges because they spur you on to create even more badass shizz.
  • You stop dumbing down your desires and go for the top-notch version of everything... from clients to cutlery to cars.
  • Have 5-star experiences—no matter where you go or who you’re talking to... even when you don’t ask. Cuz that’s just how you roll.
  • Things you’ve wanted for years, or even decades, are now easy to have and require a fraction of the effort you thought they’d take.
  • Health issues go away by themselves, or you easily find the cure and there’s no downside.
  • Rocky relationships become non-issues because you’re presented with a clear path for your ideal solutions.
  • Your creativity soars because you’re getting “downloads” on the daily... like you have Einstein, Oprah, and Elon Musk on speed dial.

Here’s the deal... you quite literally become unstoppable.

Everything you desire not only becomes possible... but inevitable.

“Conjure” is not about doing more to get more. You’re not going to spend hours a day “working on manifesting.”

You’re going to bypass excuses, fear, and old rationale to go straight into the quantum realm to attract from a fresh, clean slate. You’re not bringing your old crappy patterns along for this ride.

Conjure is experiential, straight-to-the-point magic, and lots of shifting without having to figure it out.

  • Decide how much money you want, and see instant evidence that your conjuring is working... then watch it consistently pour in through multiple streams.
  • Laugh in the face of reality checks and challenges because they spur you on to create even more badass shizz.
  • You stop dumbing down your desires and go for the top-notch version of everything... from clients to cutlery to cars.
  • Have 5-star experiences—no matter where you go or who you’re talking to... even when you don’t ask. Cuz that’s just how you roll.
  • Things you’ve wanted for years, or even decades, are now easy to have and require a fraction of the effort you thought they’d take.
  • Health issues go away by themselves, or you easily find the cure and there’s no downside.
  • Rocky relationships become non-issues because you’re presented with a clear path for your ideal solutions.
  • Your creativity soars because you’re getting “downloads” on the daily... like you have Einstein, Oprah, and Elon Musk on speed dial.

Here’s the deal... you quite literally become unstoppable.

Everything you desire not only becomes possible... but inevitable.

“Conjure” is not about doing more to get more. You’re not going to spend hours a day “working on manifesting.”

You’re going to bypass excuses, fear, and old rationale to go straight into the quantum realm to attract from a fresh, clean slate. You’re not bringing your old crappy patterns along for this ride.

Conjure is experiential, straight-to-the-point magic, and lots of shifting without having to figure it out.

This is real-world magic that doesn’t require you to jump through contrived Law of Attraction hoops.

Attracting what you really, really want is simple when you have a clear road map that eliminates detours. Conjure takes you directly to the good stuff because it keeps you outta your head and drops you into flow.

I’ve learned that you can make conjuring what you want easy or hard.

I’ve done it all... from panic attacks to having the red carpet rolled out for me wherever I show up.

After years of ups and downs with manifesting what’s most important to me, I finally decided to play the long game. That allowed me to drop a shit ton of stress and judgment about failing to conjure what I want when I said I wanted it.

I’ve discovered lots of shortcuts in my more than 30+ years using the Law of Attraction to work for me instead of creating what I didn’t want. I’ve also had the benefit of coaching clients all over the world the past 26 years and trying my out-of-the-box manifesting processes... so I could see what worked best for different personality styles.

Here’s what’s happened for me as a result...

I tripled my income in 9 months and nailed my first 6-figure year. Then I doubled my income from one year to the next several years in a row. Next came 7 figures. Then I created an overflow of funds... so I had more than enough.

I dropped the post-baby weight and kept it off without dieting and having to give up foods I love.

My 16-year relationship did a 180 and I finally had the man of my dreams. (I would’ve never guessed this could happen.) Then, he surprised me with an epic wedding in Sicily. Damnnn!

My lifelong desire to have a lake house happened within a month of me deciding it was time. One mind-blowing VIP upgrade after another happened to make it so... and it’s still happening.

I began dropping one chronic struggle after anothernasty patterns that had been in place for decades and had been actively trying to release.

Abundance of time, money, love, magic, and fun have been normalized.

And that’s the whole point of this transformational program… to consistently bring in fulfilling, fun, and positive experiences, people, and things into your life as you decide you want them.

As a former stress case... I can say with certainty that forecasting worst-case scenarios can easily be replaced with happily ever afters.

Conjure is your one-way ticket
to everything you want.

Here’s what’s happened for me as a result...

I tripled my income in 9 months and nailed my first 6-figure year. Then I doubled my income from one year to the next several years in a row. Next came 7 figures. Then I created an overflow of funds... so I had more than enough.

I dropped the post-baby weight and kept it off without dieting and having to give up foods I love.

My 16-year relationship did a 180 and I finally had the man of my dreams. (I would’ve never guessed this could happen.) Then he surprised me with an epic wedding in Sicily. Damnnn!

My lifelong desire to have a lake house happened within a month of me deciding it was time. One mind-blowing VIP upgrade after another happened to make it so... and it’s still happening.

I began dropping one chronic struggle after anothernasty patterns that had been in place for decades and had been actively trying to release.

Abundance of time, money, love, magic, and fun have been normalized.

And that’s the whole point of this transformational program… to consistently bring in fulfilling, fun, and positive experiences, people, and things into your life as you decide you want them.

As a former stress case... I can say with certainty that forecasting worst-case scenarios can easily be replaced with happily ever afters.

Conjure is your one-way ticket to everything you want.

Making more today than I ever have!

"I'm making more today than I ever have! Money is becoming a non-issue.

I am moving through my days with ease and grace and amazing things are happening as a result.

I am consistently surprised at how a reality continues to unfold that contains all of the most important elements for me, but I also continue to be delighted when it goes above and beyond - almost as if I'm being personally rewarded for my ability to feel good."

- Stephanie Yost Mentzell

Manifested a Juicy Chunk of Money!

"* Manifested a juicy chunk of money from an unexpected source within weeks of beginning the program;

* Created a website to for my internet business idea, with zero previous experience or knowledge of websites and internet marketing;

* Made aware of some hidden and surprising limiting beliefs that were sabotaging my success;

* Realized that I was working within an old and outdated paradigm for trying to launch my business idea.”

- Rebecca Kleinknecht

Manifested $150k of Unexpected Money!

“I’ve manifested $105K of unexpected money, and surprisingly fun and easy interactions with helpful people!

I loved that I got in action to implement my business plan. I loved incorporating the being-ness into it all.

I really got specific about what actions, why to take them and by when!”

- Joy Kirstin

Here’s what you’ll discover how to do in Conjure...

  • Upgrade the quality of what you choose to have in your life x10... 5-star all the way.
  • Eliminate stress, fear, anxiety, and doubt so you can conjure what you want in less time.
  • Drop deadline pressures by expanding time and increasing the rate of your manifestations.
  • Confidently call in the realllly big stuff... knowing it’s gonna happen.
  • Take super-charged actions that leapfrog you over obstacles and straight into results.
  • Stay in a high-vibe state even if you’re surrounded by chaos or naysayers.
  • Learn to flip bad news and major change into an opportunity to massively upgrade that area of your life.
  • Conjure any damn thing you want... in record time.

Here’s what we cover in this insanely high-vibe, 7-week program…

Shazam! Uplevel Your Life… Instantly

Escape the “it’s good enough” syndrome and start receiving the 5-star version of everything in your life. Clarify your 3 major desires to conjure in less than 60 days. No more compromising. Ever.

Embrace Your Inner Conjuror

Discover a 6-step easy process to merge with part of you who never denies access to your 5-star desires. This module amps up your confidence so you never question your ability to manifest.

Your Unique Conjuring Superpower

Learn this super-fun shortcut that brings anything you want into existence. You’ll discover your ideal way of accessing infinite knowledge and guidance on conjuring whatever you want… whenever you want.

The High Life

Discover a way of living where your vibration is so high, you start conjuring what you want with less focus, faster speed, and a lot more fun. Ditch suffocating rules, shoulds, and low-vibe projects, places, and people.

Abundance Flooding

This module shows you how to literally rewire your neural pathways to make your automatic response to abundance, “Awesome! More, please!” No more inner saboteurs to block you from your optimal life experience. You’ll also discover the “Yes Method” for extreme abundance.

Instant Painkiller

Discover how to overcome anxiety when you’re waiting for your desires to arrive or an unpleasant situation to turn around. You’ll become immune to forecasting doom in your future… no matter what reality shows you. Bounce back from anything… happier and better off!

For the Fun of It!

Discover the 10x rule to make it super easy to clarify your truly outrageous desires. Then learn how to break through your manifestation boundaries to conjure desires you once thought were way out of your league.

Here’s how this is gonna go down...

The first training is released Monday, August 28th 2023

7 magic-making modules delivered weekly... all potent; zero fluff

Impromptu training and vibe amping when your higher self makes it clear to me that it’s needed

24/7 on-demand mentor forum to flip your manifesting switch and conjure in real-time

Transcripts, audios, and slides of all modules

7 magic-making mentor calls with me to get coaching on breaking bad habits, upping the ante on your dreams, and learning how to have... not want

Replays of all mentor calls available within 24 hours or less

Visualizations to drop you into conjuring

Templates and worksheets to speed up the manifesting process

YES Jeanna, I'm Ready To Start Manifesting!

1 Payment of $777

Stop wanting and start having the very best of everything now. No compromises. Not ever.

It doesn’t matter how many books you’ve read, seminars you’ve attended, or how much energy you’ve put into creating a life you love… most people overcomplicate it. They unknowingly repel the things they want. But all of that changes, right here, right now.

Conjure is your road map to go from “trying” to “having” VIP experiences, abundance, and a bucket list life.

Yes, I’m ready to Conjure!

Need to double-check your gut about Conjure being the right move for you?


Q. I know the steps to manifest, I just can’t get them to work for me. How will Conjure help me breakthrough?

A. Often the big breakthrough comes when you’re coming at the issue from a new perspective. Conjure’s job is to help you see your desires and patterns from a new, expanded place… this will open the door to the version of you who already has everything you want.

Plus, you can have unlimited coaching with me over our 7 weeks together… and all it takes is one new perspective from me to crack open the door to easily receive what you’ve always thought was a challenge.

If you want it to be different, you have to decide that it can be.

Q. Will Conjure work for me if I don’t believe I can have what I want?

A. You don’t have to 100% believe, but you have to be open to the possibility. You have to be willing. You have to be coachable.

If you let me in, I can help your inner conjurer come out to play.

Q. I’m going through a rough time, and I don’t think I can be super positive right now. Is that going to bring the group down?

A. Life is full of up and down times. You can be going through the roughest time of your life and still create amazing and positive things.

Conjure can help you even turn the worst scenario into the biggest positive turnaround of your life.

We want you to bring whatever is true for you to the party. No need to keep the negative vibe in the closet. Bring it out so we can transform it into a force for good.

You can’t bring the group down… you only add to the learning and upleveling.

Q. I want to be in this program so bad, but I can’t afford it. Can you help?

A. I’ll lovingly remind you that you can afford any damn thing you want, once you decide to have it.

What you say yes to has nothing to do with affording. It’s about choosing.

You’re very resourceful and can find a way to join if you want it. I believe in you. Now it’s your turn.

Q. I don’t want a beginner class on manifesting, I want something advanced. Is this program basic?

A. It’s definitely not going to disappoint even the most badass manifestors. Even if you teach this topic yourself, you’ll be on freaking fire bringing in one desire after another.

And you’ll be thanking your inner guidance for telling you to join Conjure!

Still have a question that needs to be answered before enrolling, email me here.

Look, there’s only one reason not to jump into Conjure…

You already have everything you want and don’t believe there is more to experience.

If that’s not you, then get your booty on the dance floor and start having what you want every damn day!

Surpassed My Goal In May!

"I'm aware of and am being conscious of how to implement the LOA on a daily basis. I almost hit my income goal of $10K per month in April ($9407) and I surpassed my goal in May!

I am calmer, having more fun, ecstatic throughout the day."

- Brad Warren

So Many Small and Large Gifts!

"So many small and large gifts including: a 30K debt being forgiven, my son’s being very helpful around the house and doing chores without my asking... who is this kid?), almost the whole inside of the house painted by a wonder woman, my house de-cluttered and cleared after years of extreme mess by a pro organizer.

After years of not dating, met an interesting, kind, cute, single man without leaving home. Got free airline tickets to visit a friend in Texas, and was invited to California to stay at a coach’s home and attend her fab workshop in the mountains at a serene and gorgeous monastery with fab food and view. And much more!”

- Kimberly Simon

Received $3000 in one sum and then $4000+ later!

“At the beginning of the program I visualized a pie and the very next day received a pie. Next, I asked for $4000 and received $3000 in one sum and then $4000+ later. I asked for 5 coaching clients and I have 4 already.

I asked for $20,000 and had an opportunity present itself to make $20,000. I set the intention to be debt free, and I'm well on my way. I'm more energized and at peace!”

- Demi Karpouzos

I’m Jeanna, Master Business Coach and Chief Rabble Rouser of MasterPeace Coaching. After 26+ years of liberating business owners from the curse of “not enough” and the myth of “hard work pays off,” I know, without question, you can make massive amounts of money and impact millions (even if you’ve been struggling for years) if you’re willing to flip the switch in your thinking, chuck the old-school rules in the toilet, and stay true to what lights you up and turns you on. I’m also the author of Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction with Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hanson, and Eva Gregory.